Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mexico Mobilizing Tour - Part 4

We finally made it to Mexico City!

Let me share with you a wonderful story of God's touch...

The Martinez (a Salvadoran couple who serve in North Africa) and I visited the Baptist Seminary of Lomas Verdes in Mexico City.  After sharing in two very small mission classes during the day, we had a seminary-wide prayer event to intercede for a very specific unreached people group.   It was a very sweet and special time of sharing and praying.  I usually lead the group in a “concert” of prayer, but, as we knelt before the Lord during our last prayer block, God led me to ask one of the men to close in a final prayer...  

As this brother began to pray, God started to move among us in a very powerful way.  He started crying and asking God to forgive them for being so blind and disobedient to His Word and to their responsibility to reach the nations.  Soon the entire room was in tears and repentance… Men and women alike.  God´s Spirit moved so strongly that evening among us!  So strongly was His movement, that the next day, several of the students who had attended the prayer event, changed their field of studies at the seminary to missions!  They said that was the revival they had been praying for…Those mission classes will no longer be small!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mexico Mobilizing Tour - Part 3

Cañón del Sumidero

Tuxtla Gutiérrez... What a beautiful place!

The second city in our mobilization tour was Tuxtla Gutierrez.  We left Tapachula at 3 on Thursday morning, so we could be at a meeting at 10.  We met with the team in charge of organizing their first missions conference: Ayer Chiapas, Mañana el Mundo (Yesterday Chiapas, Today the World).  This team included the president of the Central Baptist Regional Convention of Chiapas, the President of the Baptist Seminary and other key pastors and leaders of the area.  I shared with them the vision to come together in prayer in Una Sola Voz, and helped them include prayer related activities in their upcoming conference.  I was also invited to return to Tuxtla to share with more churches about the task of going beyond their borders to reach the nations for Christ.  Because of my many resposibilities in Central America, I am not able to be involved too much with the Chiapas churches, but I will continue to use the influence and testimony I have in that part of the world to encourage them to spread the glory of God among the nations of the world.  Please pray for the churches in Tuxtla.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mexico Mobilizing Tour - Part 2


Tuesday and Wednesday were busy days in Tapachula! Tuesday afternoon, about 75 women from 27 different churches gathered for a cross-cultural experience and special time of prayer for the Muslim women.  Thru this experience, they identified with these precious women beloved of our Father, and cried, prayed and made committments to continue to intercede for them.  On Wednesday morning, it was the men´s opportunity to be challenged! Around 40 pastors and leaders joined us for breakfast at Fileo Church.  They were touched by God´s Word and the information they received.  They heard from Hispanic servants just like them share how they followed God in obedience to the ends of the earth. The leadership of the Baptist Regional Convention of the Coast of Chiapas was present.  They were so convinced by what God impressed in their hearts, that they invited me to share again in December at one of their most important meetings where the mayority of their leaders and churches will be present.  They want to also challenge them to set aside any differences and come together in unity to pray strategically, intentionally and pationately for the unreached nations of the world. The president of the convention and the leadership that were present at our meeting would like to present Una Sola Voz as their first prayer strategy to lead them to become involved in fulfilling the Great Commission to the ends of the earth.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mexico Mobilization Tour - Part 1

I arrived in Tapachula, Chiapas on Monday, September 3.  It was the beginning of 12 days in Mexico for the purpose of mobilizing the churches in three different cities, and to invite them to unite with us in Central America in a network of intercessory prayer called Una Sola Voz (One Voice).  Tapachula was the first stop.  As most of you know, this city is dear to me.  It is here where my missionary journey began, and it is here where I buried my dear husband and beloved daughter 13 years ago.  Before my commitments began on Tuesday afternoon, I was able to visit Gary and Carla´s tomb.  A dear friend and I washed and clean the white and black marble tombstone that was a gift from the Baptist Regional Convention of the Coast of Chiapas.  Later on, some more friends joined us to place a beautiful wreath on the tomb with a photo of those loved ones Gary and Carla left behind.  It does not matter how long it has been... standing there it seemed it happened just yesterday...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Special Prayer Request...

My dear and beloved friends,

I would like to share the following letter I received this morning from Phil Kesler, the leader of our mobilization cluster in the Americas.  We are at war!  God is using us to awaken a sleeping giant in Latin America to reach the nations, and the enemy is unsettled...

Hello there friends, family, and prayer warriors everywhere,

I want to ask you to stop right now and say a special prayer, that God will intervene against the evil one and bring healing to our mobilizers, family, and extended family members. In the last week to two weeks, we are seeing everything from small illnesses to very serious situations that require complicated tests and surgeries. Right now, a mobilizer is going in for medical tests, and several others have scheduled appointments in upcoming days. Some are waiting on a diagnosis and some are in that horrible period of uncertainty because a diagnosis is unclear.  Some extended family members are in the hospital with potentially life threatening conditions. Because of privacy issues, I cannot always say what these issues are, but God knows and He does hear our prayers, even when we are not sure what the specifics are!

Thank you for "watching our backs" and keeping us before the Great Physician.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Missions Event: Sinergia 2012 in Honduras

Please pray for the following missions event in Honduras.  This is a mobilization conference that will include the south of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.  I am coordinating the event asisting a newly formed missionary agency.  This is the sixth annual Sinergia conference, in 2013 it will be in El Salvador (my field also!).  There will be a great emphasis on prayer during the conference by our intercessory network, Una Sola Voz. Please pray for everyone involved.  Pray that it will truly reflect the spirit of "sinergia." 

Definition: Synergy comes from the Greek word synergia, meaning joint work and cooperative action. Synergy is when the result is greater than the sum of the parts. Synergy is created when things (or people) work in concert together to create an outcome that is in some way of more value than the total of what the individual inputs is.

Isn't synergy a fabulous word!!

If you want to do synergy with us... just let me know!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Trying to stay more in touch with you...

 Follow me on Twitter: @SloanGloria

Una Sola Voz (One Voice)

"Fill up and complete my joy by living in harmony and being of the same mind and one in purpose, having the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention."  Philippians 2:2 The Amplified Bible

One of my most important roles as a mobilizer is to lead us all in intentional prayer for the nations and for those who are reaching them... 

God has led me to develop a network of missionary intercession in the countries I serve, although it is actually overflowing way beyond Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua!  This has been quite a journey for me. As I began to share about this vision in the churches I visited, I wasn’t sure how it would unfold.  My invitation to the Body of Christ was simply to pray together for the unreached people groups using a guide that was published by the IMB Mobilization Team, “52 Semanas de Oración por los No Alcanzados” (52 Weeks of Prayer for the Unreached).  As I shared and people responded, God began to shape this effort into what it is today and to give us the vision into what it could become in the future.  It was like building a plane in the air! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3hge6Bx-4w).

As I laid on my bed one night trying to sense the direction God was leading our prayer network to go, He brought to my mind Philippians 2:2, and I heard Him use Paul’s words, “I want my people to fill up and complete my joy, I want them to have one purpose, be of one spirit, have the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention… I am tired of hearing so many voices each one pulling in their own direction, for their own purposes… I want to hear ONLY ONE VOICE!”  God’s words to me that night would make more sense to you if you had seen the way I found the Body of Christ in these countries I serve.  There is great division and competition even within the same denominations; especially, in the area of missions.  Just yesterday I had a long conversation with the president of a Baptist group in Honduras of a little more than 500 churches.  He said, “This is my fourth and last year to have this office.  I have tried to bring us together, but I have failed.”  He was encouraged to hear about “Una Sola Voz”, and was so eager to share it with the pastors of his denomination in an upcoming national meeting.  “Maybe we will finish well after all”, he said. This intercessory effort is bringing some hope of unity among us in our region.  God knew this.  So, the goal of our network is to unify the Body of Christ in intercessory prayer for the nations.
I am so amazed at what God has done and continues to do.  I ask you to pray for us as we strive to come together to reach the nations.  Even though Una Sola Voz is only in Spanish, please check our website and think of us, www.unasolavozporlasnaciones.blogspot.com.  Maybe if you subscribe to it, even if you do not understand the words, you will be reminded to pray for us when you receive a blog in your inbox.  Our prayer guide is in Facebook (52 Semanas de Oración por los No Alcanzados) and you can follow us in Twitter:@1SolaVoz.  So, connect with us once in a while as we continually connect to the One who is Faithful and True!