Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Mexico Mobilizing Tour - Part 4

We finally made it to Mexico City!

Let me share with you a wonderful story of God's touch...

The Martinez (a Salvadoran couple who serve in North Africa) and I visited the Baptist Seminary of Lomas Verdes in Mexico City.  After sharing in two very small mission classes during the day, we had a seminary-wide prayer event to intercede for a very specific unreached people group.   It was a very sweet and special time of sharing and praying.  I usually lead the group in a “concert” of prayer, but, as we knelt before the Lord during our last prayer block, God led me to ask one of the men to close in a final prayer...  

As this brother began to pray, God started to move among us in a very powerful way.  He started crying and asking God to forgive them for being so blind and disobedient to His Word and to their responsibility to reach the nations.  Soon the entire room was in tears and repentance… Men and women alike.  God´s Spirit moved so strongly that evening among us!  So strongly was His movement, that the next day, several of the students who had attended the prayer event, changed their field of studies at the seminary to missions!  They said that was the revival they had been praying for…Those mission classes will no longer be small!

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