Friday, March 2, 2012

Una Sola Voz (One Voice)

"Fill up and complete my joy by living in harmony and being of the same mind and one in purpose, having the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention."  Philippians 2:2 The Amplified Bible

One of my most important roles as a mobilizer is to lead us all in intentional prayer for the nations and for those who are reaching them... 

God has led me to develop a network of missionary intercession in the countries I serve, although it is actually overflowing way beyond Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua!  This has been quite a journey for me. As I began to share about this vision in the churches I visited, I wasn’t sure how it would unfold.  My invitation to the Body of Christ was simply to pray together for the unreached people groups using a guide that was published by the IMB Mobilization Team, “52 Semanas de Oración por los No Alcanzados” (52 Weeks of Prayer for the Unreached).  As I shared and people responded, God began to shape this effort into what it is today and to give us the vision into what it could become in the future.  It was like building a plane in the air! (

As I laid on my bed one night trying to sense the direction God was leading our prayer network to go, He brought to my mind Philippians 2:2, and I heard Him use Paul’s words, “I want my people to fill up and complete my joy, I want them to have one purpose, be of one spirit, have the same love, being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention… I am tired of hearing so many voices each one pulling in their own direction, for their own purposes… I want to hear ONLY ONE VOICE!”  God’s words to me that night would make more sense to you if you had seen the way I found the Body of Christ in these countries I serve.  There is great division and competition even within the same denominations; especially, in the area of missions.  Just yesterday I had a long conversation with the president of a Baptist group in Honduras of a little more than 500 churches.  He said, “This is my fourth and last year to have this office.  I have tried to bring us together, but I have failed.”  He was encouraged to hear about “Una Sola Voz”, and was so eager to share it with the pastors of his denomination in an upcoming national meeting.  “Maybe we will finish well after all”, he said. This intercessory effort is bringing some hope of unity among us in our region.  God knew this.  So, the goal of our network is to unify the Body of Christ in intercessory prayer for the nations.
I am so amazed at what God has done and continues to do.  I ask you to pray for us as we strive to come together to reach the nations.  Even though Una Sola Voz is only in Spanish, please check our website and think of us,  Maybe if you subscribe to it, even if you do not understand the words, you will be reminded to pray for us when you receive a blog in your inbox.  Our prayer guide is in Facebook (52 Semanas de Oración por los No Alcanzados) and you can follow us in Twitter:@1SolaVoz.  So, connect with us once in a while as we continually connect to the One who is Faithful and True!

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