Sunday, March 4, 2012

Missions Event: Sinergia 2012 in Honduras

Please pray for the following missions event in Honduras.  This is a mobilization conference that will include the south of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.  I am coordinating the event asisting a newly formed missionary agency.  This is the sixth annual Sinergia conference, in 2013 it will be in El Salvador (my field also!).  There will be a great emphasis on prayer during the conference by our intercessory network, Una Sola Voz. Please pray for everyone involved.  Pray that it will truly reflect the spirit of "sinergia." 

Definition: Synergy comes from the Greek word synergia, meaning joint work and cooperative action. Synergy is when the result is greater than the sum of the parts. Synergy is created when things (or people) work in concert together to create an outcome that is in some way of more value than the total of what the individual inputs is.

Isn't synergy a fabulous word!!

If you want to do synergy with us... just let me know!

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