Thursday, May 10, 2012

Special Prayer Request...

My dear and beloved friends,

I would like to share the following letter I received this morning from Phil Kesler, the leader of our mobilization cluster in the Americas.  We are at war!  God is using us to awaken a sleeping giant in Latin America to reach the nations, and the enemy is unsettled...

Hello there friends, family, and prayer warriors everywhere,

I want to ask you to stop right now and say a special prayer, that God will intervene against the evil one and bring healing to our mobilizers, family, and extended family members. In the last week to two weeks, we are seeing everything from small illnesses to very serious situations that require complicated tests and surgeries. Right now, a mobilizer is going in for medical tests, and several others have scheduled appointments in upcoming days. Some are waiting on a diagnosis and some are in that horrible period of uncertainty because a diagnosis is unclear.  Some extended family members are in the hospital with potentially life threatening conditions. Because of privacy issues, I cannot always say what these issues are, but God knows and He does hear our prayers, even when we are not sure what the specifics are!

Thank you for "watching our backs" and keeping us before the Great Physician.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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