Thursday, October 20, 2011

Puno, Peru (Day Two)

Puno curbs around the edge of a lake, Lake Titikaka, which is the largest high altitude body of water in the world.  I am now at 12,421 feet, even higher that Cuzco!  I have been taking my altitude pills and my Coca leaves tea, and so far, so good.  In Cuzco I was welcomed with tea, in Puno (the folklore capital of Latin America), I was welcomed with dance!  A mix of Aymara, Quéchua and modern Peru.

Like a good missionary, I usually eat everything I am served, but tonight in Puno was really hard!  I ate Guinea Pig, a popular dish here.  I kept telling myself, "Pretend it is chicken, pretend it is chicken...".  I did not help that they serve the whole animal - head included!  I started eating it the best I could, and then I was told, "you have to eat 'cuy' (guinea pig) with your hands!".  Well, I survive the cultural culinary experience... and I am not sick...

It looks like a big rat!!

Tomorrow is a special day.  I will be going to the Uros Islands (Aymara indians) and finally to Taquile to find the Puno Quéchua, an unreached people group.  Pray for safety and health during the trip.

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