Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cuzco, Peru (Day One)

I completed my second of three trainings in Lima, and I have a space of five days before the next one starts.  So, my backpack and I are now traveling thru Cuzco and Puno!

This is the sight of the beautiful Andes mountains from the airplane. What a Creator!!

I was welcomed in Cuzco with "mate de coca" (, a tea made with Coca leaves, not the drug!  Everyone drinks, chews on them or eats the leaves in the form of candy to help with the discomforts of the altitude (11,200 ft).  It didn't work for me though... I over did it the first day and I ended up with a bad headache and nausea when I returned to the hostal that evening.

This is the Cathedral... The local guide said something very interesting.  He said, "This is not a Catholic church only.  Our people have mixed the religion of the Spaniards and the religion of our ancestors, and that is what is practiced here today".  I already knew that, we call it syncretism. It is the same throughout Latin America, but this is the first time I hear that statement from someone local.

I visited three archeological sites on my first day in Cuzco... Bad idea!  Too much for the first day! This picture was taken by a lady from Colombia.  We were both traveling alone so we decided to make each other company.  We spent a lot of time together, so, I had the opportunity to share my faith with her... Mention Amparo in your prayers today! Please pray for me as a travel.  Pray especially for my health during the trip.

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