Friday, October 21, 2011

The Floating Islands of Uros (Day Three)

I am so amazed at the creativity and resourcefulness that God has placed in people.  The floating Islands of Uros, are exactly that, floating creations of people trying to survive and use what is around them.  The Aymaras, a friendly, open and skillful people!

The Aymara people make their houses (and almost everything else they use) out of a plant that grows in the lake called Totora.  They even eat it!

We were welcome with a kiss on both cheeks as they greeted us by saying, "kamisakari", which means "how are you?" We were told to answer, "waleki", which means, "I am fine".  As our boat left the islands, our friendly hostesses sang in their native Aymara, French and Spanish... and then they shouted, "hasta la vista, baby!" 
I hope to have the opportunity to return to Uros.  In my next blog, I will tell you about the Puno Quéchua... We stilll had to reach Taquile Island, about two and half more hours by boat into lake Titikaka.

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