Thursday, October 13, 2011

Learning in Lima!

Even though I have been a church planter for 24 years and a missionary for 13 years, missions mobilization is a new ministry for me.  Although I have such great conviction about this new direction in my life, and a great passion to lead Latinamerican Christians to reach the ends of the earth with the gospel, I admit I still have so much to learn!

I am so grateful to be part of an organization that allows me to adquire the knowledge and skills required to do my job well.  That is the reason I am here in Lima, Peru.  The main offices for
the Americas affinity is in this beautiful city by the beach.


I have had the privilege to meet so many amazing people from different mission agencies and countries.  Such inspiring testimonies and challenging lives. As mobilizers in the Americas, our job is to walk along side these wonderful people and their organizations to help them send missionaries to the world.  They have an awesome responsibility and I consider it a privilege to be a part of they are doing.

Please pray for me as I continue to learn here in Lima.  The first of three trainings is over and I have had the day off to read, walk by beach and write this blog.  My second training starts tomorrow.  Pray that I will have the wisdom to apply everything I am learning in the context of the countries I am serving (Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua).


  1. They were at training when I was back in 2003 (right?). :) Then they went to the border, so I kept up with them and saw them at the mission meeting one year.
