Saturday, August 20, 2011

It has been a whirlwind... and it's not over yet!

It has been a long  time since my last blog... It has been a whirlwind!!  I am tired but excited about all the new changes in our life.  I still have a lot to do, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

Here is a quick list of our busy past couple of months...

  • Alan and I arrived in Mexico City and started packing almost right away
  • Alan emptied a lot of flower pots so we could sell them
  • I washed, dusted, scrubbed and clean for what it seemed forever!
  • We had three garage sales
  • We visited several churches to say our good-byes (that was hard!)
  • I had the opportunity to spend two days with the church I planted in Toluca... What a wonderful time!
  • Alan and I spent a couple of days with dear friend and Mexican missionary Lili Bahena in her home town of Taxco.
  • We met all the Mexican government requirements to be able to get our things out of the country
  • We attended a mandatory week long missionary meeting in Queretaro

  • We left for Tegucigalpa, Honduras, but had to stay a day in Panama because we missed our flight (not our fault!)
  • I will live in such a secure neighborhood in Tegucigalpa, that Alan and I were not allowed to enter until someone proved that we were the new tenants.  By that time I was more frustraded than happy for their security.
  • Two days after arriving in Honduras, Alan and I left by bus for El Salvador to get him settled in my parents' house
  • The same day we arrived in San Salvador, Alan and I visited his new school, bought his uniforms and books and attended a parent meeting for new students
  • Alan started school on August 16
  • I left for Tapachula, Chiapas (Mexico) by bus to pick up some things I had sent there from Mexico City.  The trip there and back is a day long ride!  I just returned yesterday and now I have a little time to write this update
  • My main purpose of being in El Salvador right now is to get Alan settled in his new home-away-from-home with his grandparents (I continue to remind him that his home is still with his mother!), but since this country is also part of my area of ministry, I have taken the time to visit with some pastors and churches also.
Please continue to pray as I continue to make all the arrangements to get settled in my new home and to adjust to all the new changes in my life.

With members of House church in Naucalpan

Sharing with the church in Toluca

With pastors and leaders in NW Mexico City

In Taxco

With a grouo of women in Tapachula, Mexico

I love you all... I need your prayers!!

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