Monday, August 29, 2011

No Más Violencia (No More Violence) Ministry

Andrea Palmitano, Redención´s Pastor and Norberto Palmitano

I had the opportunity to visit some of the work that Norberto and Andrea Palmitano (missionaries from Argentina) are doing in El Salvador thru the ministry of "No Más Violencia".  The Palmitanos allowed me to tag along as they continue to encourage and train a very inspiring group of workers from Rendención, a church in Mejicanos, an area of great conflict in the capital city of El Salvador. The Palmitanos train churches to go into public schools to teach the children how to say no to violence and to become "agentes de cambio" (agents of change) using character values and biblical principles.

This group of enthusiastic young people live in the communities where they serve.  The Palmitanos shared that this is the ideal situation for their ministry, but is also the most challenging because their conduct on the street and their neighborhoods should reflect what they are teaching the young children in the schools.

Please pray for (left to right):
Jose Francisco, Jenny, Joel, Margarita, Brenda, Julia, Marlon, Ricardo, Johanna,
Diana and Jose Antonio

The training of this church is sponsored by a LifeGroup (sunday school class) of Humble Area's First Baptist Church.  If you want more information about sponsoring another great group like Redencion, write Dave Eaves,  He is the contact person (and tired less advocate!) for the group that sponsors this ministry.

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