Monday, October 17, 2016

A Great Event for the Mobilization of Women in Latin America

Segundo Encuentro de Mujeres en Misiones

de COMIBAM Internacional

COMIBAM Internacional is a volunteer movement of churches, individuals and organizations that cooperate together to mobilize the church in Latin America to reach the unreached people groups of the world. I have been the Mobilization Coordinator for the region of Central America for about three years. El Salvador is getting ready to receive about 100 women from all over the continent to learn how to pray, give, go and mobilize to the lost in the ends of the earth.

My ASISTE team and volunteers from different churches in El Salvador are working tirelessly to put it all together. I am so excited to have this event in my region, but it is also a great responsibility. Thank you for the gifts that allow us to be able to organize events like this.

Please pray for all the logistic details that have to be in place so we can have a great and successful event for the glory of God and the blessing of the nations.

Promotional video for the event

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