Friday, February 18, 2011

WWLD ? (What Would Latinos Do?)

I recently heard Rev. Bob Blincoe, US Director of Frontiers ( speak to a group of students of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course.  He shared something that encouraged me as I prepare to mobilize Latinos (Hispanics) in Central America.  I wanted to share his words with you...

"By the grace of God there are now hundreds of believers among the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq.  There were none when we arrived... I kept the door open in Northern Iraq long enough until more capable people arrived to do the work.  Mainly, they are  latinos.  Thank God for Latino brothers and sisters who are bearing the witness around the world.  We are just watering and they are reaping... So, I want everybody to wear a wristband that says, WWLD?  What Would Latinos Do?..."

Of course, Rev. Blincoe was joking about the wristband, but the point is that Hispanic missionaries are being effectively used by God in many areas of the world, including those parts of the world that many Americans are not able to reach.  Please help me pray for the future missionaries that God will call from the countries where I will serve (Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua).

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