Monday, February 7, 2011

Apostolic Passion

I am taking an online course that will prepare me to serve in Central America as I train new missionaries.  The course is Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (notice the link on the right column).  I am enjoying it immensely! I would like to share a something I read last week that deeply impacted me.  Consider as you read if you would like to have apostolic passion...

Apostolic Passion
By Floyd McFlung

"If you have apostolic passion...
  • you are one of the most dangerous people on the planet. 
  • The world no longer rules your heart. 
  • You are no longer seduced by getting and gaining but devoted to spreading and proclaiming the glory of God in the nations. 
  • You live as a pilgrim, unattached to the cares of this world. 
  • You are not afraid of loss.
  • You even dare to believe you may be given the privilege of dying to spread His fame on the earth. 
  • The Father's passions have become your passions. 
  • You find your satisfaction and significance in Him. 
  • You believe He is with you always, to the end of life itself. 
  • You are sold out to God, and you live for the Lamb. 
  • Satan fears you, and the angels applaud you. 
  • Your greatest dream is that His Name will be praised in languages never before heard in heaven. 
  • Your reward is the look of pure delight you anticipate seeing in His eyes when you lay at His feet the just reward of His suffering: The worship of the redeemed [from all the nations of the earth!]."

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