Friday, February 18, 2011

WWLD ? (What Would Latinos Do?)

I recently heard Rev. Bob Blincoe, US Director of Frontiers ( speak to a group of students of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course.  He shared something that encouraged me as I prepare to mobilize Latinos (Hispanics) in Central America.  I wanted to share his words with you...

"By the grace of God there are now hundreds of believers among the Kurdish people in Northern Iraq.  There were none when we arrived... I kept the door open in Northern Iraq long enough until more capable people arrived to do the work.  Mainly, they are  latinos.  Thank God for Latino brothers and sisters who are bearing the witness around the world.  We are just watering and they are reaping... So, I want everybody to wear a wristband that says, WWLD?  What Would Latinos Do?..."

Of course, Rev. Blincoe was joking about the wristband, but the point is that Hispanic missionaries are being effectively used by God in many areas of the world, including those parts of the world that many Americans are not able to reach.  Please help me pray for the future missionaries that God will call from the countries where I will serve (Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua).

Monday, February 7, 2011

Apostolic Passion

I am taking an online course that will prepare me to serve in Central America as I train new missionaries.  The course is Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (notice the link on the right column).  I am enjoying it immensely! I would like to share a something I read last week that deeply impacted me.  Consider as you read if you would like to have apostolic passion...

Apostolic Passion
By Floyd McFlung

"If you have apostolic passion...
  • you are one of the most dangerous people on the planet. 
  • The world no longer rules your heart. 
  • You are no longer seduced by getting and gaining but devoted to spreading and proclaiming the glory of God in the nations. 
  • You live as a pilgrim, unattached to the cares of this world. 
  • You are not afraid of loss.
  • You even dare to believe you may be given the privilege of dying to spread His fame on the earth. 
  • The Father's passions have become your passions. 
  • You find your satisfaction and significance in Him. 
  • You believe He is with you always, to the end of life itself. 
  • You are sold out to God, and you live for the Lamb. 
  • Satan fears you, and the angels applaud you. 
  • Your greatest dream is that His Name will be praised in languages never before heard in heaven. 
  • Your reward is the look of pure delight you anticipate seeing in His eyes when you lay at His feet the just reward of His suffering: The worship of the redeemed [from all the nations of the earth!]."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Reflect Conference

First Baptist Church Crosby, is putting on a one day conference just for Youth Girls! The date is March 5th only $10 per person. If you'd like to bring a group from your church please contact Amanda Cross at (281)328-2564 or send her an email at

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Prayer Requests for Our Family

It has been such a joy to be with my children during this time of Stateside Assignment. I have been treasuring every moment we get to spend together. When I return to the field this Summer, Alyssia will be in Dallas, Rissa will be in Florida, Alan will be in El Salvador and I will be in Honduras! God has a plan for every family, and He gives each one the grace to live for the purpose He has chosen for each family.

  • Please pray for us as we continue to live for His glory as a family.
  • Pray for Alyssia as she prepares to take her medical school entrance exams.
  • Pray for Rissa as she adjusts to thyroid medication and completes her senior year in high school.
  • Pray for Alan to be safe as a part of the JV soccer team at Crosby High School.

Stateside Calendar January - March (Updated)

Here is my calendar for January, February and March. If you are somewhere near any of these areas, please come by and visit. Notice the dates added to the calendar.

January 23              Oakview Baptist, Irving, Texas

                               Vida Abundante, Irving, Texas

                               Northlake Baptist, Dallas, Texas

February  19-21      Groesbeck, Texas

February 23-27       Global Impact Conference in Greenville, Texas

March 5                   Reflect Conference, FBC Crosby, Texas

March 6                   Humble Area Baptist Church, Texas

March 12-20            Family road trip to Florida

March 21                 Gloria's 45th birthday!

March 26                 Alan's 16th birthday!

March 31-April 3     Global Focus Celebration in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Please pray for me as I travel to each one of these places.  Pray that God will use me for his glory.