Monday, May 16, 2011

My Graduate! My Joy!

My daughter, Rissa Joy, will be graduating on June 2.  She is truly a joy to me!  It has meant so much to her (and to me) to have the opportunity to graduate from the same high school that her daddy did.  Gary did not only graduate from Crosby High School, but he also returned to teach Spanish and to coach football.  He left a great legacy for his children!
Rissa will be attending Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, a great Christian university in the Orlando area.  Her desire is to study Social Work to work in international adoptions.  Rissa will drive to Clermont (Orlando Area) on June 6.  Clermont Baptist Church will adopt her for the Summer until she is able to move into the dorms at SEU.  I also would like thank First Baptist Church New Orleans and First Baptist Church Panama City who will host Rissa during her trip to Florida. 
What a blessing to be part of the family of God!!

New House in Tegucigalpa!

Charlie Sell, logistics coordinator for Honduras, sent me these pictures of a model house that looks like the one that will be assigned to me in Tegucigalpa.  It has given me a good idea of the space available so I know what to move and what to leave in Mexico City. I thank God for my new home, and I thank YOU who thru your giving has allowed IMB to provide for me as I serve on the mission field.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Disney Adventure!

I am so thankful for the times my children and I can spend together as a family.  I treasure each one of them for I know very soon we will each have to go our own way.  I am so thankful to Maridell, Carol and Deysi (Clermont Baptist Church) for allowing us to spend three fun days at Disney! This was our first time ever at the parks. We were in Orlando visiting Rissa's future home for the next few years... Southeastern University.  Please continue to pray for my precious children.  Pray that they will accomplish God's purpose for their lives.

Meeting of Latin American Mobilizers in Kansas City

Pastor Jeff Adams and me

Emily Kinch (Pastor Adams' assistant) and her mom, Flora Emilia

This time of transition in the United States is allowing me to prepare in many ways to tackle my new assignment.  I recently had the opportunity to meet with a group of amazing people at Kansas City Baptist Temple.  Pastor Jeff Adams sponsored a forum of mobilizers from Latin America at his church.  I felt so honored to rub shoulders with such people.  I learned so much from all of them and was deeply challenged.  Please pray that our desire to work together will bring about a lot of fruit for God's kingdom and glory to His name among the nations!