Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Gift of Fellowship


One of the things that I miss when I am on the mission field is the fellowship with my sweet sisters in Christ during Sunday School or Women's Bible studies.  I truly love the ladies in Mexico, but most of the time, I am the one having to teach, or that is expected to lead.  It is a refreshing experience for me to attend a Bible class with the only intention to fellowship with the Lord, His Word and the women in the room.  Thank you so much for such sweet times, FBC Crosby WOW* ladies!!
*Women of Wisdom


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gloria, they not only support you and the IMB, but 1st Bapt Cosby is helping plant churches up here in the Pacific Northwest as well. I'm having lunch on Friday with the pastor of Resonate Church in Pullman, Washington, a church sponsored by 1st Crosby.

  3. Wow! It is amazing how God connects us for the sake of His kingdom!
