Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Gift of Fellowship


One of the things that I miss when I am on the mission field is the fellowship with my sweet sisters in Christ during Sunday School or Women's Bible studies.  I truly love the ladies in Mexico, but most of the time, I am the one having to teach, or that is expected to lead.  It is a refreshing experience for me to attend a Bible class with the only intention to fellowship with the Lord, His Word and the women in the room.  Thank you so much for such sweet times, FBC Crosby WOW* ladies!!
*Women of Wisdom

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Showing God's Love in a Practical and Creative Way

After buying some beautiful bags from Beto and Margarita, a husband and wife team, Beto said to me, "This is exactly what we needed to pay our rent!".  This precious people from Aguascalientes had been Christians for a while, but they had not been attending church for several months.  I was able to share with them that day how much God loved them and was showing them His love by providing for their needs.  They are now growing and active in their congregation.  Margarita learned how to make the bags thru her sister Irma (now Facio Nova's administrator), Irma learned it from Susana at one of FN's workshops, and Susana learned it from me.  Help this business/ministry continue to spread the love of God in a practical and creative way.

More Facio Nova Products...

A few more...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Industrias Facio Nova... An Ecological Way to do Missions!

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 (NKJV)
Ecce ego facio nova et nunc orientur utique cognoscetis ea ponam in deserto viam et in invio flumina.  IsaĆ­as 43:19 (Latin Vulgate)

Comunidad Cristiana Obra Nueva is a network of house churches in North West Mexico City.  Due to the difficult economic situation our families were facing, we asked God to help us find a business project to help them find a way to provide for themselves and impact their communities.  The Lord led us to develop Facio Nova Industries, an ecological answer to our prayers!

Facio Nova Industries uses recycled wrappers to make a variety of products like purses, placemats and jewelry. We are excited about the possibility of using an ecological technique to help our families, and at the same time encourage a much needed recycling culture in Mexico.  Facio Nova has also developed a workshop and manual to teach others this technique.  The FN workshop is another way to fund our business/ministry. 

Our desire is not only to provide a way for our brothers and sisters to meet their financial needs, but also to follow the example of Christ by presenting a witness of a real and practical gospel.  We have found that this project is a great evangelistic and church planting tool.  In addition to that, some of the funds earned through this project are also being set aside to support Mexican missionaries.

We sell some of our beautiful products here in Mexico, but their handmade and ecological value is better appreciated in the United States.  We are trying to find people like you who would be willing to promote Facio Nova in their area.  Along with this letter, we are including a catalog with our current available items.  If you are interested in any of the products, we will be shipping them to you at no cost.  Once you have sold the items, you can mail a check to an address we will provide to you.  Of course, if you are able to send the money up front, it would be even better!

If you are interested in supporting our project or have any questions, please write to me for more information.  I understand that not everyone will be able to become one of our volunteer distributors in the United States, but I am asking you to consider prayerfully how we could team up together to expand the Kingdom of God here in Mexico City in a very practical and creative way.

For more information, write to or to me, Gloria Sloan, at

The following is a sample of what our precious artisans have made.  Some articles are no longer available... But if you are interested, send me an email and I'll send you a list of prices and the items that we still have for sale.

In a following blog, I'll send more pictures of Facio Nova products and the pretty faces of the women involved in making them!