Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alan's Future Living Arrangements

My son, Alan, will be 16 years old in March of 2011.  He will be the only one of my three children returning to the field with me (Alyssia and Rissa will stay in the United States for college).  Since I am not able to live in El Salvador because I was born there (IMB policies), I will live in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.  My new assignment will require for me to do some traveling and I cannot leave Alan alone in Honduras.  So, after a lot of  prayerful consideration, we decided it is best for Alan to live in El Salvador with my parents.  He will be in a safe and familiar environment and only seven hours away from me.  PLEASE PRAY as we get ready to make the change.  I personally was not expecting to have an empty nest so soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh me! He is looking much different than when I knew him in Mexico!!!! :)
