Saturday, September 17, 2011

Garang Athian Serving in South Sudan

Garang and I participated together in a mission´s conference at Vida Abundante Baptist Church in San Miguel, El Salvador.

Getting to know missionaries like Garang Athien is an added blessing to my ministry of mobilization.  Garang was born in Sudan but was raised in Cuba and Guatemala.  This is a story that exemplifies the awesome grace and sovereignty of our God.  Sometimes is strange to hear a man like Garang speak Spanish so well and quote Mexican popular TV shows... African body but a Hispanic heart!  Please pray for Garang as he serves in the newly formed nation of South Sudan (  This new country calls itself "Christian", but according to Garang, the title only means that they are not Muslim and want to separate themselves as much as possible from North Sudan (strictly Islamic).  The reality is that out of the eight million of South Sudanese, less than 2% has a personal relationship with Christ.  Please pray for me as I mobilize workers from Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua to serve alongside Garang in South Sudan... Pray for this new country...

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

A planning meeting with some pastors members of AMBAH, a recently formed missionary agency in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and Dave Clines, IMB Mobilizer in Panama.

Training for mobilizers from local churches in San Pedro Sula.

Introducing myself during the monthly pastor´s meeting of the Baptist Association in San Pedro Sula.