Tuesday, December 20, 2011

His Guiding Hand

There are so many new things in my life, that my prayer has been to feel Him close leading me as I plunge into new waters.  Such has been my Lord’s faithfulness to do just that!  I cannot begin to tell you how many times He has arranged encounters and opportunities that have proven to be key in my mobilization ministry and that have given me a specific direction to follow.   Let me try to explain how I feel… It is not the feeling of following my Master, but walking side by side with my Friend.  I guess this is the aspect of Himself He knows I need during this time of transition.  I can almost feel His hand on my back as He tells me, “Let’s walk this way… now stop… go here… don’t go there… talk to this person…” I am so amazed!  I know I shouldn’t be after so many years of walking with Him, but I love the way He manages to bring awe to my life over and over again!

Through these divine appointments, totally not seeking them myself, it is that I am now the new National Mobilization Coordinator for COMIBAM Honduras, which is a well-known and respected international missions organization in Latin America.  I will serve with the Honduras chapter, but this position opens doors for me in the other countries where I have to work.  I already received an invitation to be in the El Salvador’s COMIBAM meeting in January and in May with all the chapters of Central America in Costa Rica.

Just to make sure you remember, my ministry now is the one to encourage, educate, equip and empower the Body of Christ in Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua to fulfill the Great Commission unto the ends of the earth.  In other words, I assist the churches in these countries in the task of sending their own missionaries to the unreached peoples of the world.  I love my job!!  Thank you all for making it possible!!

It is such a wonderful thing to experience God’s loving and firm hand as He guides your steps.  He does this not because I am a missionary (this is WHAT I do), but because I am His child (this is WHO I am).  If you are His child too, I encourage you to appreciate what He does in your life every day lovingly guiding you… Follow His lead!  If you are not sure you are a child of God, send me a note… I would love to talk to you to dissipate all doubts.